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3.1 and up
3.1 and up
Description - ARDrone Flight Pro
Overall Satisfaction78
Much better than free flight.
Thanks developer.
This is the best android app available for your AR Drone 2.
Fun & Engaging91
Worked awesome till the latest update.
Flight animations are awesome and the autonomous flight mode is mind blowing.
this put the fun back into flying it again.
Last update fixed all problems.
Support our only real android developer and buy this app today. found in 1 reviews
and lots of options to edit. found in 1 reviews
Updates regularly and always works on my gnex and g-tab 2 7. found in 1 reviews
and that's the reason I purchased it. found in 1 reviews
Dev gets 10 stars in my book. found in 1 reviews
Much better than free flight. found in 1 reviews
Great and responsive developer. found in 1 reviews
the joysticks centre wherever you touch on the respective sides of the screen. found in 1 reviews
Flight animations are awesome and the autonomous flight mode is mind blowing. found in 1 reviews
Since you updated the version of flight pro on 14 december. found in 4 reviews
New update a step ahead. found in 1 reviews
Using this app with a ps3 controller works really sweet. found in 3 reviews
and yes I know it's in beta. found in 1 reviews
but could use some UI polish and an instruction manual. found in 1 reviews
No Australian maps included. found in 1 reviews
Also I am having trouble finding my images on the USB. found in 1 reviews
video is blurry and seems to lag. found in 1 reviews
but please sort this asap. found in 2 reviews
Can't get it to work with gameklip. found in 9 reviews
Double tap doesn't work. found in 1 reviews
Now it freezes up when using the new 'offline mode'. found in 1 reviews
But I wonder if it's because the controllers are ultra sensitive. found in 1 reviews
Still doesn't work on my HTC One for some reason. found in 1 reviews
Developer does a very poor job explaining the settings. found in 1 reviews
but it is superior to Parrot's newest software update. found in 1 reviews
and the same thing happened every time. found in 1 reviews
Gave it another shot and same result absolute failure. found in 1 reviews
crashes when creating waypoints. found in 1 reviews
my pad would refuse to wake up after it went to sleep. found in 1 reviews
Crashes nexus 7 2013. found in 1 reviews
It is constantly trying to download map data. found in 2 reviews
Press the launch button nothing happens. found in 1 reviews
Reinstalling didn't help. found in 1 reviews
It never happened before I installed the app. found in 1 reviews
If you are Android owner,you now can download ARDrone Flight Pro for $5.62 from Google Play. The application is supporting English language. It weighs in at only 10MB to download. The new ARDrone Flight Pro app version Varieswithdevice has been updated on 2014-01-30. The Apple Store includes a very useful feature that will check if your device and iOS version are both compatible with the app. Most iPhone and iPad are compatible. Here is the app`s compatibility information: 3.1 and up
Android ARDrone Flight Pro Application.Control the V1 and V2 AR.Drones and record video.ARDrone Flight Pro includes all the ARDrone Flight Platinum Features: V2 Drone support, Flight Animations and Autonoumous Mode.Use this app if you require ...